“Looking at the photos, I noticed something magical. When people weren’t posing, they were there with their dogs. The look of love in their gaze was unmistakable, unmatched, and impossible not to be moved by. I selected all photos that capture the profoundly tender feeling we have for our dogs.”


Buy a 2023 Calendar to help street dogs in Puerto Escondido, Mexico

In Puerto Escondido, the world of dogs is interwoven in human society. While some dogs are mascotas, pets kept in the home that walk on leash, many roam free. The women I met doing rescue work in Puerto:

  • run nine-day spay and neuter campaigns every other month (this year Susan at Snipsisters helped to spay over 2000 local street dogs and pets!)

  • help owners at the vet when they can’t afford the treatment the dog needs

  • take in street dogs who are ill or injured

  • find ‘angel flights’ to get dogs to their new homes all over the world

  • run shelters that house 60 to 100 dogs that they take care of alone, with a small staff, or with the help of volunteers like Annette at Perros En Puerto

The work they are doing was selfless, tireless, and sometimes thankless. After seeing their dedication and the positive effect they were having on their community, I knew that I had to find some way to help support them.

When I saw that the a search for “naked girls with dogs” landed people on my dog training website, I had the idea to sell a calendar to raise funds for sterilization campaigns, vet bills and the shelters in Puerto. My talented friend Georges took these beautiful portraits of friends with their dogs and I’d love for you to enjoy them throughout 2023.

The Nude Dog 2023 calendar

The suggested donation for the calendars of $30 each includes shipping. You are welcome to make a donation of any size. I will price match the total raised up to $1500 so your contribution will be doubled!

To order:

1) Please send your donation via Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle.

2) Indicate on the form below how many calendars you would like and provide additional shipping address(es) if you are sending to someone else.

Venmo: https://account.venmo.com/u/allegrak23

Paypal: paypal.me/allegrak23

Zelle: Allegra Kaough / allegra.kaough@gmail.com / 5129126266

complete this form to place your order

“Thank you so much for your donation!

I will make sure this money does the most good for the most dogs.”

-Allegra Kaough